No water pumping costs

Means more profit for you

Reduced Water Pumping Cost

Reduced reliance on electricity and Petter engines to irrigate your farm.
Grid: Rs. 7/W
Diesel: Rs. 30/W
Solar: Rs. 5.5/W
A decrease in water pumping cost means a decrease in your cost of production and translates to a net increase in your profits.

Spend Once; Use Tube Well For 25 years For Free

Once you have installed the solar tube well, forget about the cost of water pumping for 25 years.

Savings Due to Longer Life

Our solar tube wells are world class; they work longer. A locally sourced system works for 3 to 5 years. Our system reliably works for 25+ years in the extreme climates, while also being warrantied for 3 years. So, you will not have to replace it for long.